Who Will Be the Next Landrat of Mittelsachsen? An Overview of the Candidates and Their Election Programs

Editor's Note: The Mittelsachsen Landratswahl: Die Kandidaten Und Wahlprogramme Im Überblick was published on [date]. This topic is important because it provides an overview of the candidates and their election programs for the upcoming Mittelsachsen Landratswahl.

As the Mittelsachsen Landratswahl approaches, voters are faced with a choice between several candidates, each with their own unique platform and promises. To help voters make an informed decision, we have put together this guide to the candidates and their election programs.

Key Differences

Candidate Party Key Policies
Jan Löffler CDU
  • Focus on economic development
  • Improve infrastructure
  • Support education and healthcare
Petra Köpping SPD
  • Promote social justice
  • Invest in renewable energy
  • Strengthen public services
Oliver Wehner AfD
  • Reduce immigration
  • Cut taxes
  • Restore traditional values
Holger Zimmer Grüne
  • Protect the environment
  • Promote sustainable development
  • Support renewable energy
Katharina Funke Die Linke
  • Increase social welfare
  • Expropriate large corporations
  • Promote peace and disarmament

Transition to main article topics

  • Profiles of each candidate
  • Analysis of each candidate's election program
  • Comparison of the candidates' platforms
  • Assessment of the candidates' chances of winning
  • Conclusion


This FAQ section provides answers to commonly asked questions regarding the Mittelsachsen Landratswahl and the candidates' election programs.

Zwickaus Liberale nominieren Kandidaten für Landratswahl 2022
Zwickaus Liberale nominieren Kandidaten für Landratswahl 2022 - Source www.fdp-zwickau.de

Question 1: Who are the candidates running for Landrat?

There are four candidates running for Landrat in the Mittelsachsen Landratswahl: Martina Gregor-Erler (CDU), Dirk Neubauer (AfD), Susanne Schaper (Grüne), and Ines Springer (parteilos).

Question 2: What are the main topics of the candidates' election programs?

The candidates' election programs cover a wide range of topics, including economic development, education, healthcare, and environmental protection.

Question 3: How can I find more information about the candidates and their election programs?

You can find more information about the candidates and their election programs on their respective websites and social media pages.

Question 4: Where can I vote in the Landratswahl?

You can vote in the Landratswahl at your local polling station. Your polling station will be indicated on your voter registration card.

Question 5: When is the Landratswahl?

The Landratswahl will be held on June 12, 2023.

Question 6: What happens if no candidate receives a majority of the votes in the first round?

If no candidate receives a majority of the votes in the first round, a runoff election will be held between the two candidates with the most votes.

We encourage you to stay informed about the Mittelsachsen Landratswahl and the candidates' election programs. Your vote is important, and it is essential to make an informed decision.

Tips Regarding the Landratswahl in Mittelsachsen

As Mittelsachsen Landratswahl: Die Kandidaten Und Wahlprogramme Im Überblick, it is important to approach the election process with a well-informed perspective. Here are some tips to help you navigate the election and make an informed decision.

Tip 1: Get to know the candidates and understand their policy positions. Read their websites, attend candidate forums, and ask questions to learn about their vision for Mittelsachsen.

Tip 2: Identify the issues that are most important to you and evaluate the candidates' stances on those issues. This will help you determine which candidate aligns best with your values and priorities.

Tip 3: Don't limit your consideration to party affiliation. Focus on the candidates' individual qualifications, experience, and policy proposals, rather than simply voting along party lines.

Tip 4: Refer to non-partisan sources for information about the candidates and their platforms. This will help you avoid biased or misleading information.

Tip 5: Cast your vote after carefully considering the candidates and their platforms. Your vote is a powerful tool, so exercise it wisely.

By following these tips, you can ensure that you are making an informed and thoughtful decision about the future of Mittelsachsen.

Mittelsachsen Landratswahl: Die Kandidaten Und Wahlprogramme Im Überblick

Mittelsachsen Landratswahl is one of the most anticipated political events in the region. To make informed decisions, understanding the candidates and their election platforms is crucial. This overview provides insights into six key aspects of the election: candidates, their qualifications, campaign promises, key issues, regional dynamics, and voter expectations.

  • Candidate Profiles: Detailed examination of the candidates' backgrounds, experience, and vision for the region
  • Election Promises: Analysis of the candidates' key campaign promises and their potential impact on the electorate
  • Central Issues: Identification of the most pressing issues facing Mittelsachsen, as identified by the candidates
  • Regional Dynamics: Exploration of the unique political and economic landscape of Mittelsachsen and its influence on the election
  • Voter Sentiment: Assessment of voter expectations, concerns, and preferences based on surveys and public opinion
  • Election Impact: Projections on the potential outcomes of the election and its implications for the region's future

These key aspects provide a comprehensive understanding of the Mittelsachsen Landratswahl. They enable voters to make informed choices, evaluate the candidates' strengths and weaknesses, and anticipate the possible consequences of the election.

Mittelsachsen Landratswahl: Die Kandidaten Und Wahlprogramme Im Überblick

Die Landratswahl in Mittelsachsen findet am 12. Juni 2022 statt. Dabei treten fünf Kandidaten an: Amtsinhaber Matthias Damm (CDU), Sven Gabriel (parteilos), Ines Langer (AfD), Jan Löffler (parteilos) und Petra Zais (Linke).

Landratswahl 2021: Das wollen die Kandidaten definitiv erreichen
Landratswahl 2021: Das wollen die Kandidaten definitiv erreichen - Source regionalheute.de

Die Wahlprogramme der Kandidaten unterscheiden sich in einigen Punkten. So setzt Damm auf Kontinuität und will die erfolgreiche Arbeit der vergangenen Jahre fortsetzen. Gabriel hingegen will einen Neuanfang und eine bürgernähere Politik. Langer fordert eine stärkere Unterstützung für Familien und Unternehmen. Löffler will die Digitalisierung vorantreiben und die Infrastruktur verbessern. Zais setzt sich für soziale Gerechtigkeit und eine nachhaltige Entwicklung ein.

Die Wahlbeteiligung lag bei der letzten Landratswahl in Mittelsachsen bei 51,6 %. Es ist zu erwarten, dass die Wahl auch in diesem Jahr wieder knapp ausfallen wird.

Die Landratswahl in Mittelsachsen ist ein wichtiger Termin für die Region. Der Landrat ist der höchste gewählte Vertreter des Landkreises und hat großen Einfluss auf die Politik vor Ort. Deshalb ist es wichtig, dass die Wählerinnen und Wähler sich gut informieren und eine fundierte Entscheidung treffen.


The Mittelsachsen county election is an important event for the region. The county executive is the highest-ranking elected official in the county and has a major influence on local politics. It is therefore important that voters are well-informed and make an informed decision.

The election programs of the candidates differ in some respects. For example, incumbent Matthias Damm (CDU) is focused on continuity and wants to continue the successful work of recent years. Sven Gabriel (non-partisan), on the other hand, wants a new beginning and a more citizen-oriented policy. Ines Langer (AfD) calls for stronger support for families and businesses. Jan Löffler (non-partisan) wants to advance digitization and improve infrastructure. Petra Zais (Left Party) is committed to social justice and sustainable development.

Voter turnout in the last county election in Mittelsachsen was 51.6%. It is expected that the election will be close again this year.